Accessibility RRU aims to have a safe, equitable and inclusive campus for everyone. We provide the means for our workers to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Equity, diversity & inclusion Inclusion Safety
Active threat In an active threat situation, call 911. Don't confront a violent person. If the situation is unfolding in a different area than where you are, remain in place. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Campus information Emergency Safety
Asbestos management RRU's asbestos management program aims to prevent the hazardous material from becoming airborne by identifying and eliminating asbestos-containing materials. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Campus information People and Culture Safety
Building fire, flood or gas leak Here's what to do if you discover a fire, flood or gas leak in a building at Royal Roads University. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Campus information Emergency Safety
Bullying and Harassment Reporting Form Bullying and Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Reporting form Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Equity, diversity & inclusion People and Culture Safety
Bullying, harassment and discrimination reporting form Submit detailed information about an incident of bullying and harassment or discrimination using this form. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Equity, diversity & inclusion People and Culture Safety
Campus Security Campus Security is available 24/7. Use emergency phones or dial 2525 on any campus phone for safe walk, first aid, lost and found, and building access. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Campus information Emergency Safety
Certificate of insurance – Auto rental collision / loss damage C-cardholder benefits and procedures for auto rental collision and loss and damage insurance Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor Staff Financial services Safety
Certificate of insurance – Travel C-cardholder insurance benefits and procedures for flight delay, checked baggage delay, hotel/motel burglary and lost luggage Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor Staff Financial services Health Safety