Explore key information sources to learn about what is happening in the RRU community, including news, events, alerts and more.
Public-facing news and events
Internal news & events: Crossroads
Crossroads is a submission-based hub for staff, faculty and associate faculty to share information about news and events relevant to the campus and RRU community. The site contains password-protected content.
CTET workshops & events
See the CTET Workshop, training and events page for faculty development opportunities.
RRU social media channels
Discover more about RRU via:
RRU Alerts
RRU Alerts is a closed Facebook group for staff, faculty and associate faculty members to receive information about campus closures, emergency situations and other campus-wide notifications. RRU Alerts provides a convenient way for you to receive information when you can’t access your Royal Roads staff/faculty email accounts.
Join the RRU Alerts group:
Log in to your Facebook account and go to RRU Alerts.
Click on “+Join Group."
Answer the security question when prompted. If you are a staff, faculty, or associate faculty member, the administrator will approve your request to join the group. Please tell us your full name if the name listed on your account differs from the one in the Outlook address book.
COVID-19 information & updates
Please see RRU COVID-19 information & updates page for the latest on RRU's response to COVID.