Find below key information to understand your RRU account and email, and related resources and guidelines.
Account & security
RRU account
You will receive an RRU account, which provides you with an RRU username to access to a variety of RRU network resources.
Although you only have one RRU username, the username can be used in two formats depending on where you need to log in.
To log into most places including Undergraduate & Graduate Courses Moodle, Professional & Continuing Studies Moodle, all RRU Office 365 applications (including Webmail, see email section below), please use the format "" plus your regular passphrase.
With this account, an RRU ID number is generated which is also the "RESNO" number you will find in the admin section of your contract. A separate Supplier ID is created when you are set up as a supplier with the university.
Changing your account passphrase
You can change your account passphrase at any time.
In case you find yourself locked out of your account, you will need to reset your account passphrase. Contact the Help Desk if you don't know your RRU User ID (also known as your RESNO, found in the administrative section of your contract), which is needed for the reset.
- Email Computer Services
- Phone: 250-391-2659
- Toll Free: 1-866-808-5429
Account termination
You are able to keep your RRU account and email between contracts for as long as there is an intended relationship, i.e. the expectation of future contracts. Once the relationship ends, you will be notified that the account is scheduled to be closed.
When the account closes, you will lost your RRU email and access to all content on RRU servers and systems.
Cyber security
IT Services is continuously working to limit spam and to protect accounts from cyber attacks. All RRU account holders are asked to familiarize themselves with cyber security best practices.
- Orientation to Cyber Security @RRU (Moodle course): Please review this resource. There are four units covering: passphrases, phishing, technology and privacy at RRU, and IT Support
- RRU Cyber Security site
- Stop that Phish
Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Royal Roads University has adopted Microsoft 365 MFA for Webmail, and other Office 365 applications like SharePoint (Currently only for people outside Canada, but soon coming to all accounts August 2024). In the near future MFA will be required to log into Moodle.
MFA uses a mobile device to “authenticate” your account. The Microsoft Authenticator application uses minimal data (about 2Mb or less over 3 months) and does not access your personal or private information on your device.
You only have to set this up once and it will work for all the applications listed.
As this procedure is a little longer, we have setup a page all it’s own. Please visit the Knowledge Base for detailed instructions to setup MFA.
RRU email
With the creation of an RRU account, you will be given a RRU email address. The password for this account is the same as your computer account.
As per Email Policy Guidelines, as an associate faculty or supervisory committee member, you must use your RRU email for:
- All communications with students. When corresponding with students, first contact should be made using a student’s RRU email; students can opt to use their personal or RRU email.
- For associate faculty members, all correspondence with parties external to RRU on matters that are part of your RRU contract.
- For supervisory committee members, all correspondence on matters that are part of your thesis/dissertation supervisory responsibilities
Your RRU email is not to be used for any non-RRU business.
We highly recommend that you use your RRU email when corresponding with RRU faculty and staff.
These requirements are part of the Network Access and Email Policy implemented in 2019 to protect RRU's network infrastructure and to meet statutory and regulatory obligations to protect information in the care and custody of the university.
As part of these requirements, the ability to auto-forward RRU email has been discontinued. Linking your Royal Roads email to an external email service (such as or Gmail) is also no longer permitted.
Please see Email Account information to understand more about your email account, and Email Setup to find out more about configuring your home email client and/or device, allowing your RRU email to be directly delivered to your device using that device's email client.
You MUST setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) setup to log into Webmail. MFA requires a smart phone. If you do not have a smart phone, you will need to contact Computer Services to make arrangements to get a FOB.
If you have a smart phone, please follow detailed instruction for setting up your MFA here.
Once MFA is setup, you can access your RRU email via a browser using Webmail (see Webmail setup). You will need to use Webmail to set up an Out-of-Office message (under "Options").
Please remember to add the to your Whitelist/Safe Sender list so that it does not get caught in a spam/junk filter.
Library access
Associate faculty, i.e. those responsible for curriculum development and delivery, have access to the RRU Library collections and services for the duration of your contract in support of your RRU contract deliverables exclusively.
Access to the Library collections and services ends on the contract expiry date, unless another contract for services is set to begin within 60 days of the expiring contract.
You will use your RRU account (simply username with NO to log into the Library site.
Printing on campus
When on campus, you can photocopy or scan-to-email on any RRU printer.
You can print from an RRU computer. You cannot print from a personal laptop.
To Print:
- Log in to any RRU computer with your SAM account and password
- A printer should be setup by default. (The printer name is the physical location of the printer). If you do not see an printer, you can install with these instructions. Or you can contact Computer Services at the phone number listed below
- You have unlimited printing, however you will see the amount of printing during the fiscal year in the PaperCut print balance window. This is for informational purposes only. Costs or printing can be found in the KnowledgeBase.
To Copy or Scan-To-Email:
- You must log into the Printer. On the LCD display on the copier, enter your staff ID number and your PIN
- If you do not have a PIN, click on the button that says No PIN
- You'll be asked to enter your PIN once and then again to confirm. Use something you'll remember easily and please do not use your bank PIN or anything else that valuable.
- Now, you're set up. Click Log in to access the copier, scan or fax features.
Updating personal email
Should your personal email change, please contact Computer Services via
RRU Knowledge Base
RRU's Knowledge Base is the first stop for troubleshooting email or other technical issues.
You can search the Knowledgebase for a range of IT-related information, e.g.: computer account, email, how-to information for Moodle and other learning technologies used at RRU, and various how-to information for teaching and learning online, etc.