At Royal Roads, we work together for an equitable, diverse and inclusive community. This work is guided by the Accessible British Columbia Act.
Accessible BC Act
In June 2021, the Government of British Columbia passed the Accessible British Columbia Act (the Act) to make public sector organizations more accessible and inclusive for persons with disabilities.
The Act established accessibility standards and rules in various areas, such as employment, service delivery, the built environment, information and communications, transportation, health, education and procurement. One of the central requirements of the Act is that identified public-sector organizations should establish an accessibility committee to identify barriers and advise the organization on how to remove and prevent them.
Accessibility Committee
Royal Roads University strives to create an environment in which everyone feels welcome and included and has equal access to our education, services as well as the campus.
The purpose of the Accessibility Committee is to identify ways in which we can improve accessibility at Royal Roads University.