To keep people safe from communicable diseases on campus, Royal Roads University implements health and safety measures in compliance with the Provincial Health Officer’s (PHO) guidance and WorkSafeBC regulations.
At RRU, people who have symptoms of a communicable disease (e.g., fever, chills, coughing) should stay home to ensure no sick or ill workers attend the workplace.
The university's prevention measures and protocols are found on and can be read in full in the Communicable Disease Plan.
Some measures for employees and contractors are discussed below.
Remote work
There are no public health requirements to work from home. RRU supports flexible work arrangements as a measure to help reduce the transmission of communicable diseases in the workplace.
Learn more about working from home when experiencing symptoms of illness.
Mask use
Masks are not required in the workplace.
While masking is not required, RRU is mask friendly: Employees and contractors can make the choice that works best for their comfort and safety.
RRU keeps a supply of masks for the use of employees and contractors; they are available at the Welcome Desk, Campus Security, the Recreation Centre, Library, Centre of Teaching and Educational Technologies and the Boathouse. See campus map.
COVID-19 rapid tests
Rapid tests for COVID-19 are available at the following locations on campus: Welcome Desk, Campus Security, Recreation Centre, Library, Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies and the Boathouse. See campus map.
There are no public health requirements to be vaccinated against communicable diseases; however, RRU supports employees and contractors in receiving vaccinations and may hold influenza and COVID-19 vaccination clinics on campus.
There is no evidence that building ventilation systems in good operating condition contribute to the spread of communicable diseases.
RRU regularly maintains and repairs heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Filters are replaced in accordance with standards of Occupational Health and Safety, WorkSafeBC and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. In buildings that don’t have an HVAC system, HEPA air purifiers are installed and properly maintained.
A full assessment of ventilation of campus buildings was completed in 2020 using industry-recognized ASHRAE air ventilation standards. Where concerns were identified new ventilation equipment, filters and heating system upgrades were installed. If you have specific concerns about your office environment or classroom please contact the Safety Officer.
All medical information provided to RRU is treated as private and confidential.