Resource departure guidelines
When a person leaves the university, it is essential to follow a series of steps to ensure a smooth transition. This page provides a checklist to help you manage the departure process effectively.
First steps...
Notification of departure
If an individual submits their resignation or is at the end of their contract, the first step is to inform People & Culture and forward their resignation letter to the HR consultant. This initiates the formal departure process.
Departure webform
Complete the departure webform to officially document the person's departure details
Don't forget...
Final leave form approvals
Ensure that all electronic vacation and sick leave forms have been approved and submitted to Payroll for final processing.
Key return
Return all building and office keys that were issued to the employee to the Purchasing & Inventory Officer in Garry Oak.
Employee personal effects
All personal effects must be retained by the individual or recycled/disposed of.
Internal communication
Post an announcement in Crossroads to inform the university community of the person's departure. This helps keep everyone informed and facilitates the transition. Don't forget to remove their bio from the website if applicable.
Knowledge transfer
Organize a knowledge transfer session where the departing individual can pass on critical information and project details to their successor or colleagues.