Preventing violence at work

All RRU staff, faculty and contractors have a right to a safe workplace. One free of physical violence, attempted physical violence or threats.

Violence is defined as:

The attempted or actual exercise of a person of any physical force so as to cause injury to a worker and includes any threatening statement or behaviour that gives a worker reasonable cause to believe that he or she is at risk of injury.

Violence committed by an employee

When violence or a threat of violence comes from an RRU staff or faculty member, follow the university’s procedure on Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Investigation.

All complaints will be promptly investigated in a confidential and objective manner, and all investigations will be coordinated through Human Resources.

If you experience violence by an employee, report it immediately to your supervisor or People and Culture.

Violence committed by someone other than an employee

Follow these guidelines if you experience violence at work committed by someone other than an employee, including contractors, visitors and students:

Report all incidents

Report all incidents of violence to your supervisor using the hazard reporting form. An investigation will follow and details will be provided to the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

Assess your risk

Regularly assess your workplace to identify potential risks of violence, keeping in mind any experience you've had with violence at work.

Learning and training

RRU provides education on how you can avoid and prevent workplace violence, particularly to staff and faculty who have contact with the public and handle money. Supervisors will provide department-specific training. Ask your supervisor for more information.