Providing a safe working environment for all staff and faculty is key at Royal Roads.
As a supervisor or hiring manager, your role includes ensuring the health and safety of colleagues who report to you.
Your safety responsibilities
Under WorkSafeBC regulations you have a number of responsibilities:
- providing safe working conditions and practices at the work site
- complying with RRU's safety policies and procedures and the Workers Compensation Act and its regulations
- familiarizing staff about safety and first aid requirements and facilities related to their job and work site
You'll find a complete listing of your health and safety responsibilities in Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) materials.
Safe welcome to campus checklist
Our safe welcome to campus checklist will help you provide a basic health and safety orientation for new employees reporting to you.
It's important to complete the health and safety portion of the orientation as soon as possible upon the new person's start date.
Here's how to proceed:
- Download the safe welcome to campus checklist. Print a copy to use and share during RRU orientation.
- Go over the checklist with the new employee and answer any questions.