Remember: If a tsunami alert is issued, follow the directions of local authorities.
When a tsunami warning is issued, you need to get to high ground immediately.
In some cases, you may have hours of notice that a tsunami is coming. In cases where a tsunami arrives after an event like a strong earthquake near shore, you might have minutes to get to safety.
Take the time to review the resources on this page to learn what to do in case a tsunami strikes.
With proper preparation, instinct will take over, and you’ll know exactly what to do to keep safe and get yourself and your friends and family to safety.
Royal Roads is part of a tsunami warning zone
Parts of the RRU Colwood campus, including University Drive, the lower parking lot, the Boat House and Sneq’wa e’lun, are in a tsunami zone. If a tsunami alert is issued, you’ll need to move to higher ground quickly.
Depending on your location, head to either Assembly Area 7, located at the Sherman Jen Building, or Assembly Area 9, located at the Central parking lot.
The map below shows the closest assembly areas to high-risk areas:

Tsunami preparedness resources
The Province of BC maintains a map of tsunami zones to help coastal communities stay safe. Take a look to see if places you visit regularly are in a tsunami zone. If they are, ensure you know how to get to high ground to stay safe. Royal Roads’ Colwood campus is a part of tsunami notification Zone D.
The CRD has prepared resources to help prepare for tsunamis.
You can also review their tools for tsunami preparedness: