Keeping Royal Roads staff, faculty, contractors and learners safe is a shared responsibility. It requires input and action from all of us on campus. We all have roles to play in following safety rules and in spotting and correcting any hazardous conditions.

In this section
Incidents & accidents
Royal Roads works to ensure a safe and healthy environment for students, staff and faculty. We provide first aid and ask you to report hazards and injuries.
Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee
RRU's Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee focuses on health and safety issues affecting the university's staff and faculty.
Your role in safety
Staff, faculty, managers and university leadership all have responsibilities to make sure Royal Roads is a safe workplace for all.
Right to refuse unsafe work
It's your right to refuse to perform a job that you reasonably believe puts you or someone else at risk. Here's how you speak up and refuse unsafe work at RRU.
Safety program & inspections
RRU conducts regular safety program reviews. WorkSafeBC also does audits and requires inspections of buildings, facilities, equipment and work practices.