Accessibility RRU aims to have a safe, equitable and inclusive campus for everyone. We provide the means for our workers to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Equity, diversity & inclusion Inclusion Safety
Accessibility on campus The Royal Roads campus has accessible buildings, accommodations and parking. We work to continuously improve accessibility on campus. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Campus information Equity, diversity & inclusion Every day tools People and Culture Inclusion
Active threat In an active threat situation, call 911. Don't confront a violent person. If the situation is unfolding in a different area than where you are, remain in place. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Campus information Emergency Safety
Advancement Payroll Donation form All staff, faculty and associate faculty can submit this form to payroll to make regular payroll donations to any fund of the Royal Roads University Foundation. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Payroll Volunteering & giving
Alerts Facebook group Group for info about issues such as emergencies, wildlife sightings, IT issues and campus closures. Facebook account needed. Admission to group by request. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools
Asbestos management RRU's asbestos management program aims to prevent the hazardous material from becoming airborne by identifying and eliminating asbestos-containing materials. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Campus information People and Culture Safety
Associate Faculty Checklist for Teaching @RRU For associate faculty: A checklist to help you identify key things you need to know and do as you progress through your teaching contract. Associate faculty/Contractor Teaching
Associate faculty invoicing & tax information Learn about invoicing and tax information, requirements and forms for associate faculty and academic contractors at Royal Roads University. Associate faculty/Contractor Every day tools Financial services
BC Employment Standards Act The Employment Standards Act sets standards for payment, compensation and working conditions in most workplaces in British Columbia. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools