Pacific Blue Cross Pacific Blue Cross offers group health insurance, from physiotherapy to prescriptions, dental to vision care. Log in to submit a claim or view your account. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Benefits
Parking pass application form Apply for a campus parking pass or change the vehicle information associated with your current parking pass. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty New employee Staff Campus information Every day tools
Pay statements Access your RRU pay statements online on the Avanti platform. You can print hard copies for your records. Core faculty Staff Every day tools People and Culture Payroll
Payroll donation form Submit the employee payroll contribution authorization form to donate to RRU through payroll. Help preserve our heritage and support students and academics. Core faculty Staff Payroll Volunteering & giving
PBC change form Fill out this form to let Pacific Blue Cross know about changes to an employee's personal information, dependents and employment status. Core faculty Staff Benefits
PBC dental claim form Fill out this form to submit a claim for reimbursement for dental expenses through Pacific Blue Cross. Core faculty Staff Benefits
PBC extended health claim form Fill out this form to submit a claim for reimbursement for extended health medical expenses and services through Pacific Blue Cross. Core faculty Staff Benefits
PBC-HBT overage dependent form Fill out this form to request that an overage dependent remain covered on your Pacific Blue Cross extended health plan. Core faculty Staff Benefits
PCS course application form (HR-Funded) Submit this Pro-D application form to request HR-approved professional development courses offered by Professional and Continuing Studies. Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff People and Culture Learning & development