Meditation Space RRU staff, core associate faculty are invited to join this online, bi-weekly, meditation space to take a pause in your day. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Groups Health
Microsoft Office 365 access As staff, faculty and associate faculty, you have free access to Microsoft Office 365 for personal use. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Benefits Computers & technology
Moodle Moodle is RRU's learning management system. Use it to set up your courses as an instructor, or to access your credit or non-credit courses as a student. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Every day tools Teaching
Multi-faith spaces Our Chapel and Inter-faith Room are available 24 hours a day for quiet reflection, prayer and spiritual practice on the Royal Roads University campus. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Campus information
Multimedia Services Audio/visual technologies and multimedia services can enhance learning and events at Royal Roads University. Contact CTET for tech support. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Computers & technology Every day tools Learning & development Media Teaching
Muster station emergency evacuation map This map shows: (1) where on RRU campus to assemble in an emergency and (2) what routes to take to get off campus. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Campus information Emergency Safety
On-campus accommodations for associate faculty Program support staff can book private (with en suite) or shared on-campus accommodations for associate faculty for residencies through this SharePoint site. Associate faculty/Contractor Staff Campus information Teaching
Parking pass application form Apply for a campus parking pass or change the vehicle information associated with your current parking pass. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty New employee Staff Campus information Every day tools
Policies & procedures Search for policies and procedures that apply to faculty, staff and students at Royal Roads University. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools