Tuition assistance application form - employee Fill out this form to apply for tuition assistance (prior to applying to the course or program). Approval is subject to the university's funding capacity and program space. Core faculty New employee Staff Learning & development People and Culture Performance
Tuition assistance application form - family Fill out this form to apply to receive tuition assistance for a family member. Approval is subject to the university's funding capacity and program space. Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Learning & development People and Culture Performance
Unit 4 Education Confidentiality policy Unit4 Education confidentiality policy: If your manager has identified you require access to Unit4 Education, download, sign and return to the ASW Administrator. Manager/ Supervisor Staff Student support
University Act The University Act prescribes the powers, duties and functions of universities in BC and regulates their structures, administration, faculties and governance. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools
Upload receipts to CentreSuite Learn to upload commercial credit card receipts and bills on CentreSuite. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor Staff Financial services
Vacation for exempt employees The vacation policy for exempt employees applies to Royal Roads staff who aren't members of CUPE 3886 or the RRU Faculty Association. Staff People and Culture Vacation
Vacation Frequently asked Questions Frequently asked questions about vacation time at RRU Staff Payroll Vacation
Vacation Planning Job Aid This job aid will support you in planning your vacation. Staff Payroll Vacation