Responsibility Stipend Form Approved stipends will be paid through the RRU payroll system to ensure that CRA guidelines are being followed and that required taxes are being deducted. Responsibility stipends are for eligible excluded employees. Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff People and Culture Teaching
RRU Three-Year Action Plan 2024/25 to 2027/28 The RRU Three-Year Action Plan 2024/25 to 2027/28 identifies challenges facing the university and concrete actions we are taking collectively to address them. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor Staff Branding Computers & technology Every day tools Financial planning Inclusion IT Services Learning & development People and Culture Research Student support Teaching
Thesis manager RRU students can use the thesis manager to submit milestone documents and track approvals. Program areas can use the site to track a student's thesis progress. Core faculty Staff Every day tools Research Teaching
VP Academic & Provost Find information on the VP Academic and Provost SharePoint, including academic council, leadership, planning, School Advisory Councils and Registrar's Office. Core faculty Staff Every day tools Research Teaching