Technical support — frequently asked questions Find technical support and answers to your frequently asked questions about usernames, resetting passphrases, Moodle, Office 365 and more. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Computers & technology Every day tools IT Services
Thesis manager RRU students can use the thesis manager to submit milestone documents and track approvals. Program areas can use the site to track a student's thesis progress. Core faculty Staff Every day tools Research Teaching
University Act The University Act prescribes the powers, duties and functions of universities in BC and regulates their structures, administration, faculties and governance. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools
Vision, values & goals Learn about Royal Roads University's values, goals and commitments. Our vision is to inspire people with the courage to transform the world. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Branding Every day tools
VP Academic & Provost Find information on the VP Academic and Provost SharePoint, including academic council, leadership, planning, School Advisory Councils and Registrar's Office. Core faculty Staff Every day tools Research Teaching
Webmail Access your Royal Roads University email account in Outlook via webmail. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Computers & technology Every day tools IT Services