Annual vacation Read about annual vacation allotments for three Royal Roads University employee groups, including union, excluded and exempt employees. Core faculty Staff People and Culture Vacation
Asbestos management RRU's asbestos management program aims to prevent the hazardous material from becoming airborne by identifying and eliminating asbestos-containing materials. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Staff Campus information People and Culture Safety
Associate Faculty Affairs site (SharePoint) For staff and core faculty: this site brings together admin resources to support all aspects of working with associate faculty and academic contractors. Core faculty Staff Every day tools
BC Employment Standards Act The Employment Standards Act sets standards for payment, compensation and working conditions in most workplaces in British Columbia. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools
BC Human Rights Code The BC Human Rights Code's purpose is to ensure that people can participate equally in economic, social, political and cultural life without discrimination. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools
BC Transit PROPASS enrolment form Fill out this form to participate in the PROPASS program. Your BC Transit monthly bus pass costs will be deducted through payroll. Core faculty New employee Staff People and Culture Payroll
Beneficiary form Fill out this form to appoint or change your beneficiary for group life, dependent life and accidental death and dismemberment through Healthcare Benefit Trust. Core faculty Staff Benefits
Book a laptop or iPad You can borrow a laptop or iPad to use on campus. Book your equipment 48 hours in advance through RRU's virtual scheduling system, EMS. Core faculty Staff Computers & technology Every day tools IT Services Teaching
Bookstore The Royal Roads University bookstore is located in the library building on campus. Order textbooks and course materials online. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools Learning & development Research Teaching