Contact People and Culture Royal Roads University's People and Culture is open weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Contact People and Culture by sending us an email, and we'll respond shortly. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff People and Culture
COVID-19 health clearance declaration Submit this form once you have completed required quarantine or isolation periods and are cleared to return to work. Core faculty Staff Health People and Culture
Creating a Requisition Click here to learn how to create a staffing requisition. Manager/ Supervisor People and Culture
Creating a requisition in HR Smart Instructions on how to submit a staffing request in HR Smart and how to route it to financial planning. Manager/ Supervisor Financial planning People and Culture
CTET workshops Explore professional development workshops available to staff, faculty and associate faculty through RRU's Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff People and Culture Learning & development
CUPE 3886 local website The website for CUPE 3886 members, who provide custodial and housekeeping services, trades and technical support, as well as those who maintain the RRU grounds. Staff People and Culture
CUPE Benefits at a Glance View your Benefits at a Glance for CUPE employees New employee Staff Benefits Health People and Culture Payroll
CUPE Collective Agreement Read the collective agreement between Royal Roads University and CUPE local 3886. Effective June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2025. Staff People and Culture
CUPE time sheet (hourly) CUPE members (hourly) use this timesheet to track their time worked in a pay period. Staff People and Culture Payroll