Confidentiality statement Contractors and employees of RRU must sign this confidentiality statement to safeguard confidential information learned in the performance of work functions. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff People and Culture
Contact directory Search by name or department for contact information for RRU staff. Contact your supervisor to be added or removed from the directory. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools
Contact People and Culture Royal Roads University's People and Culture is open weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Contact People and Culture by sending us an email, and we'll respond shortly. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff People and Culture
Contractor safety requirements Building contractors working on campus must provide current clearance letters and meet Royal Roads and WorkSafe BC health, safety and environment guidelines. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Safety
COVID-19 health clearance declaration Submit this form once you have completed required quarantine or isolation periods and are cleared to return to work. Core faculty Staff Health People and Culture
Credit card policy and procedure This document outlines the requirements for the issue and application of credit cards by RRU. It includes parameters for appropriate use of cards and approvals. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor Staff Financial services
CTET RRU's Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies offers instructional design, teaching resources and multimedia and technology services to instructors. Associate faculty/Contractor Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Every day tools Learning & development Media Teaching
CTET workshops Explore professional development workshops available to staff, faculty and associate faculty through RRU's Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff People and Culture Learning & development
CUPE 3886 local website The website for CUPE 3886 members, who provide custodial and housekeeping services, trades and technical support, as well as those who maintain the RRU grounds. Staff People and Culture