Limited Term RRUFA Benefits at a Glance Benefits at a glance for Limited Term RRUFA employees Core faculty New employee Staff Benefits Health People and Culture Payroll
Maternity and parental leave request form This form contains the maternity and parental leave request as well as information about the maternity and parental leave process. Core faculty New employee Staff People and Culture Payroll
Municipal Pension Plan - Going paper-free! Going paper-free with MPP! Staff People and Culture Payroll
New employee payroll information form New employees submit this form to payroll when they begin work at Royal Roads University. New employee People and Culture Payroll
Overtime record form Track overtime during a two-week pay period using this form. Overtime may be banked or paid out. Note: Your manager's permission is required to work overtime. Core faculty Staff People and Culture Payroll
Pay statements Access your RRU pay statements online on the Avanti platform. You can print hard copies for your records. Core faculty Staff Every day tools People and Culture Payroll
Payroll donation form Submit the employee payroll contribution authorization form to donate to RRU through payroll. Help preserve our heritage and support students and academics. Core faculty Staff Payroll Volunteering & giving
Pension Royal Roads University offers eligible employees a pension through the BC Public Sector Pension Plans. Core faculty Manager/ Supervisor New employee Staff Benefits People and Culture Payroll
Phased retirement plan application form Eligible faculty members requesting phased retirement submit this form at least six months prior to the commencement of the phased retirement. Core faculty People and Culture Payroll