Associate faculty invoicing & tax information

Invoicing for services

Associate faculty and academic contractors must submit invoices to Royal Roads University to receive payment for services.

Visit the Associate Faculty Resources site to download the invoice template in Excel.

What to invoice

You'll receive your invoicing schedule and the amounts to include on each invoice with your contract.

If you're instructing a class, the invoice amounts will usually be based on the number of students in the class. You'll receive a contract confirmation after the first day of class, which confirms the contract amount based on class size. Your invoicing amount may need to be adjusted based on this information.

Paying invoices

Royal Roads will pay your invoice within 30 days of receiving it.

To set up payment by direct deposit, speak with your program admin contact to receive the "supplier information form."

Invoices are paid in Canadian dollars, except in extenuating circumstances.

For pay sent to non-Canadian bank accounts, the currency conversion is based on the exchange rate at the time of payment.

Taxation information

The associate faculty Moodle site provides detailed information about taxation relevant to academic contractors.

GST number

As a contractor to Royal Roads, you may need to register for a GST number. We've prepared information to help you learn about registering for a GST number through the Canada Revenue Agency.

Note: If you register for a GST number after you have a signed contract in place, you'll need to sign a contract amendment. Speak with your program admin contact about next steps.

Reporting income: T4A/T4A-NR slips

Royal Roads University will issue T4A or T4A-NR slips for individual and incorporated contractors by the last day of February. We'll mail the slips to your home address.

Read more about reporting contractor income.

Taxation for non-resident contractors

If you're a non-resident of Canada and part of your work will be done in Canada, your contract with Royal Roads is subject to a 15 per cent withholding tax for the days worked in Canada.

However, you may be eligible to have the withholding tax waived.

Review this taxation information for non-resident contractors to learn more about your options.


Your best resource for associate faculty / academic contractors

The Associate Faculty Resources site on Moodle is your best source of information for associate faculty and academic contractors.

Learn more on Moodle