Faculty Affairs supports the university's associate faculty and other academic contractors, who play a critical role in the success of RRU's academic mission and bring to life our Learning, Teaching and Research Model.
Who are associate faculty?
Associate faculty are practitioners who are involved in professional, business or other academic or non-academic activities outside the university and have achieved distinction or particular success; they bring their professional and practical experience, knowledge and skills to the university and work on contract to develop and deliver curriculum as part of university programming.
The role of Faculty Affairs
Faculty Affairs serves as an institutional liaison between RRU and associate faculty and other academic contractors. The department provides information and guidance relevant to being an academic contractor at Royal Roads, beyond the support provided at the program level.
The liaison role also helps programs with matters related to academic contracting, for example, providing guidelines and procedures around contracts and the contracting process, supporting contract postings, and developing systems and tools to support program staff.
Faculty Affairs also serves as a point of contact for those seeking academic contract opportunities, including teaching, supervision or course development work.

Associate faculty/academic contractors resource hub
Find key administrative and academic resources for associate faculty and academic contractors.
To the Our People > Associate Faculty/Academic Contractor hub
Associate Faculty Affairs site
Resources RRU staff and core faculty can access to support academic contracting (on SharePoint).
Open the Associate Faculty Affairs siteInterested in becoming an associate faculty member at RRU?
Find information for prospective associate faculty seeking teaching, course development or supervision opportunities.