
Timezone: PDT

In person

on campus

So, you fancy a little fowl play? You can feed the peacocks at RRU and support our United Way Campaign. 

Peacocks are fed at 9:00 am and 4:30 pm daily - please arrive 5 minutes before.

Here are two ways to take advantage of this opportunity to feed the peacocks:

  1. Pre-pay $5 on this online payment page hosted by the United Way of Southern Vancouver Island and then drop by Security at one of those times or
  2. Bring $5 for the collection tin and simply drop by the Security office at one of those times

A Security Officer will give you the food and point you in the right direction.

Please note:

  • Peacocks are quite excited by the food and will rush to you. This may not be an ideal activity for tiny children who might be frightened by the suddenness of the rush or for anyone afraid of peacocks. (Oh, I dunno. I just re-watched the video.  This doesn't seem scary at all!)
  • You may wish to bring a friend who can take pictures or video of the feeding frenzy!  

If you have any questions, please contact the RRU United Way committee.

Thank you for participating in our United Way fundraising event.

Have a blast feeding the peacocks!

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